Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Case Of The Life, The Strife And The Oh, No!

Life perhaps has the most sarcastic kind of character. So far I haven’t regretted about anything at large, but just missed few things here and there, but still everything falls in place as the time passes by. Life is just the expectations of the unexpected. It sure does offer you many opportunities; you must be seriously a fucking dumb person (maybe a retard!) to avoid it! Anyway it is not up to you to choose those opportunities, it is just that you have already been awarded with those opportunities. For someone who really wants to succeed, he will just believe in himself. Few say Life is short, so you got to make the most of now. Few say Life is long, so you got time to live Life to the fullest. But I just want say, shut the fuck up and accept Life as it comes by! You need not make any choices, the choices have already been made. So, just accept the punishment for the mistake already committed. Life is never about age, it is neither enjoy-your-ice-cream-before-it-melts nor wine-which-gets-better-with-age. It is always a complexity, always been one. You always presume to have understood everything but eventually everything is fucked up for Real, it does show up in the end, the real side of Life. The ways of understanding Life by women may differ from those of men, but in the end they both end up “confused”. You cannot regret the decision you made during the course of your Life because you can do nothing about it. Happened has happened. Life is just about the gamut of dramatic emotions from grief to joy. It gives you many reasons to be happy, to be sad, to live, to die. But the reason is yours to justify what has been offered to you. Just do it without any regrets. Now Worrying was Yesterday, Expectations will be Tomorrow but Happiness is TODAY! Now I’m not the one who should be talking about how to live Life, but just fuck it। This is just my say, my view, my opinion. If you agree with me then ‘Phir Milenge Chalte Chalte’। If not words can’t describe how little I give a damn!